Proof of Life


I know being hospitalized these days is a hassle. Everyone is scared to contract Covid-19. Catching Covid would be really expensive, and additional costs for PPE and periodic swab tests add to the burden. This is doubly difficult for people who have financial constraints and limitations.

I just want to share how blessed my family is. Through God’s guidance and God’s protection, last May 20, 2021, my Dad was able to undergo his scheduled operation at the Batangas Medical Center for his prostate. During his second operation, we found a doctor who was kind enough to help us.

I’ve been aware of how my Dad had been having a difficult time due to his illness. Since January 2021, he had to have a catheter attached to him which made it very uncomfortable. But in the midst of all these difficulties, we continued to remain very thankful to God. We knew that He was beside my Dad all throughout this time. And even my Dad, who experienced much
difficulty and pain, further strengthened his faith, believing that his operation will be successful. Blessings

I know that everyone is facing their own problems and struggles during this pandemic.

My family has not been spared. But I hold on to this knowledge – that God loves us, no matter what we have done, no matter who we are. He provides, helps, and loves us. At the end of the day. God never fails!

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