At the End of the Rainbow
LOOKING through a glass of stored memories, my wife, Babes, clearly saw an image of a woman in some distant past.
In 1992, Babes was given a 12-year sentence at the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) for an anomaly at the office she worked for. Suddenly, our world dimmed. Babes was devastated, to say the least. She found comfort only from family and brethren in the Light of Jesus, her faith community who stood by her throughout her ordeal.
Yet, she couldn’t help feeling betrayed and abandoned by the people she thought would defend her in court. But one day, someone came to ease her pain. The young lady came all the way from her hometown down south to ask for Babes’s forgiveness.
“Manang Babes, I am sorry,” she started, her voice quivering. I really wanted to help you, but I was powerless…”
“Sssh…” Babes hushed her.
“Manang Babes, I would like to hear it from you. Will you forgive me?” Without hesitation, Babes said, “I forgive you with all my heart.” They hugged and cried uncontrollably.
Later, Babes told me, “I had never felt God’s love so intensely.”
Forgiveness is the key which opens the door of resentment and bitterness in our heart for cleansing. By shedding His blood on the cross, Jesus took away our sin. To this day, He forgives our transgressions, as we read in Hebrews10:17: “Your sins and iniquities I will remember no more.”
On June 30, 1998, Babes was released from CIW by virtue of an executive clemency.
As the gate of the institution swung open, Babes shouted, “I am free!” Only those who have been imprisoned know that freedom has such great meaning.
Babes and I served in various ministries in the Light of Jesus Family until Bo Sanchez beckoned us to live in the Anawim Home for Abandoned Elderly and lead its Spiritual Formation Ministry for the elderly as well as the personnel of Anawim. Above, Bro. Bo with us in Anawim.
During the Anawim Foundation Day celebration on June 29, 2012, a sister from the Light of Jesus Family approached Babes and asked her, “Babes, are you happy at Anawim?”
Babes smiled and said, “Of course. We’re happy here at Anawim. At the end of the rainbow, at the end of our journey, Someone is waiting for us. And that Someone is Jesus Himself.”
Editor’s Note: After a long, devoted service for the Lord,
Bro. Ben Zambrano passed away on November 29, 2012. Anawim Herald published his story in its January-March 2013issue marking Anawim’s 9th Founding Anniversary.
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