A Promise of Hope

Diana Jessica Aguila, 26, single, took up Information Technology.
She works as a master data, responsible for the Global Master Data SAP Material Master, marketing, material billing block, new product introduction, product marketing support, for the North America-Workplace Safety Division of Europe, Middle East Africa Workplace Safety and Identification Solution Division (EMEA).
When she was young, religion didn’t matter much for her. She attended Catholic and other non-Christian services.
She lives in Biñan, Laguna
Her Story
When I was young, I attended a Bible School in a Pentecostal Church near our barangay.
At the time, religion didn’t matter much in our family. I seldom went to church. The only “spiritual” thing I did was pray before meals, and sometimes, before sleeping.
I was the kind of person who’s like, “Yeah, I know that there is a God, but I’m too busy to know Him more.”
Something like that.
I attended the Catholic Mass when friends asked me to come along with them. I attended just for the sake of attending. I mean, not really focusing on what the priest was saying. I found the Mass boring. I didn’t feel a need for it. So sometimes while the Mass was going on, I chatted with my friends.
I also attended other Christian fellowships a few times with friends.
Finding The Feast
A friend told me about The Feast PICC. He invited me to attend with him. But I declined because PICC is far from Laguna. But patiently, he kept on asking me to attend until I ran out of reasons to decline his invite.
I attended with him in October 2010.
Today, I serve as writer and photographer for the Media Ministry of The Feast PICC, now called The Feast Bay Area, covering the Sunday Mass, and other events like the Kerygma Conference.
What I like most about The Feast is the Inner Connection. I like the way The Feast warmly approached me. The way Bro. Bo Sanchez talks to my soul. The way he clearly explains the topic. The way the talk is uplifting and gives me hope. The way the talks enlighten me with things that I cannot understand on my own. It felt different. God’s call, I guess.
I also like that The Feast is serving the unchurched, and focusing on discipleship as well. I like the Worship session, the talks, the Holy Mass. Everything.
Back to the Church
Through The Feast, I learned to appreciate the Catholic Faith. What I like about Catholicism is it gives hope to everyone including those who had committed grave sins. The Catholic Faith preaches about the profound love and forgiveness of God, which we experience when we also forgive other people.