COVID Changed Me

By Kenneth Gliban

AT the start, my struggle with this Coronavirus Disease (COVID) Pandemic was being stuck with my family.

Pre-COVID, I worked in Manila, living alone, away from my family in Bicol. This was just fine with me. I am an introvert. I am used to being alone. And in Manila, I’d gotten used to being independent.

But when COVID struck in March 2020, like a number of employees, I was forced to work from home.

That meant going home to be with my family in Bicol.


It’s true that when you live away from your home, you grow, you change. And when you come home, sure it feels familiar. But you are not anymore the person that your family used to know.

At home, at first, I kind of hated the distractions. Since I can work well and effectively when I am alone, it was a struggle for me to cope with the disruptions at home.

But little by little, as the world continues to get messy, I’ve begun to change. Seeing so many afflicted by COVID, fighting for their life, I’ve started to realize that I should be more grateful that I still have my parents, that I can still talk to them, and see them as much as I want to.

Unseen Grace

Yes, grace that I failed to see, because I was so focused on myself. I thank God for this privilege. I thank Him for making me realize the things that truly matter.

Looking back, I always put first priority to myself, my own needs. But now, I’ve learned to take the lowest place, forget about my pride and ego, and put top priority to my family too.

Now, as you can see in these photos, I am giving my family more time

And I’ve never been more grateful to God for my family.

More Blessings

Yes, there are more!

I also thank God because I am still able to earn enough during this Pandemic in the comforts of my home.

I can eat three times a day. I can be with my friends and loved ones.

And the list goes on.

There is so much more to appreciate even amid this horrible ordeal we all are going through day after day.

And I deeply thank God that I can clearly see these blessings now.

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