Finding My Sanctuary

Justino Ramon L. Tayag III (J3), 33, finished a course in Communication and Media Studies at San Beda College Alabang.
J3 works as public relations officer. He handles media relations, multi-media, collaterals, and other digital format needs of the company.
He also functions as a Business Development assistant to various BD offices around the globe.
J3 lives in Paranaque City.
His Story
I WAS a member of a charismatic community when I was a kid.
But I would still describe my prayer life then as erratic. There were long periods that I failed to say even a prayer before eating or before going to sleep.
Finding The Feast
As I grew older and began to encounter real world problems, I learned to call unto God in times of dire need.
Diving deeper into the pool of my renewed life, I learned that prayer is not just during trying times but also during times of abundance.
I found daily readings and reflections on the website of Kerygma magazine, so I read them every morning before I started working. This started my morning habit of praying before doing anything.
In 2013, I was asked by my good friend Mike Custodio to play with the then Feast New Manila band. From there, I was assigned to play at Feast Greenhills. I have been serving as guitarist at Feast Greenhills for almost two years now.
I also used to attend The Feast in Makati led by Bro. Randy Borromeo. I auditioned for the band and got in to the immersion stage, but because of tight work schedule, I could not commit to serve there regularly.
As I attended Feast Greenhills, I began to desire again to serve God. The Feast gave me a new understanding of what service is and renewed my faith in God and in people.
At Feast Greenhills, we make it a point to accept a person not for what he is or what he was.
Our Feast Builder, Bro. JPaul Hernandez, always reminds us that we look at people for what they could be. He extended me this courtesy and showed me that I could be more than what I thought I was.
I have found a place where I can worship the way I know how. I am free and not restricted by rules and limited by ideals of what other people think worship is. I love the fact that I am accepted regardless of what I have done in the past and that I am asked to contribute based on what the people around me can see that I can accomplish.
I am not belittled, regardless of their perception and notion of who I am. Rather, I am uplifted because they want me to become a better person. I receive constant encouragement and during times when I make a mistake I am corrected, but not in a manner that is degrading.
Loving the Church
I am a Bosconian. I was raised to believe and revere our Blessed Mother. I feel secure, knowing that I have a great intercessor. I often ask for her help when I pray, to send my prayers to her Son Jesus.
As I thirsted for spiritual renewal, I looked for a church where I would feel comfortable in, a church where I could focus on what the priest is saying during the homily, and a church that did not intrude into my personal space.
I found the church I was looking for in St. Alphonseus in Magallanes. This is where I hear Mass whenever I do not get to attend at Feast Greenhills.
Feast Greenhills and the Magallanes church have become my sanctuary. I find peace in these two places.