From Routine to Joy

Marvin Michael G. Tan, 60, married, holds a Bachelor of Science degree, major in Business Administration.
At first unchurched, he went through a long journey of seeking God which has made him today one of the longtime leaders of the Light of Jesus Family. He held various leadership positions in LOJ and he now serves as central administration head of The Feast, LOJ’s prayer gathering with over 200 branches worldwide.
He lives in Valenzuela City.
His Story
Before I joined the Light of Jesus Family, I had a very simple routine – work-school-home. I was a working student. Sometimes I spent my free time joining my friends for a few bottles of beer or watching movies.
I was not a practising Catholic. I got inside the church only when I had to attend baptism, wedding, and burial rites.
Not until I met Liza. We attended Mass together. Then an officemate invited me to attend a Cursillo movement. From then on, I began to seek God, starting with attending Bible studies.
When we got married, Liza and I continued to attend Bible studies, the Life in Spirit Seminar, and we joined a Charismatic group in our parish. We were so hungry for God’s Word, we joined various spiritual activities here and there and everywhere.
Finding The Feast
Someone invited Liza and me to attend the Victory Celebration with Jesus, a general assembly of the Light of Jesus Family held at St. Paul College Auditorium.
In August 1989, Liza and I attended LOJ’s first Christian Life Series (CLS) in LOJ Monumento, an 18-week seminar similar to the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS), including the Growth Series. After the seminar, we were invited to serve as facilitators for the next batch of CLS attendees in LOJ Cubao.
At the time, service was a new thing for me but as I continuously served in the ministry, I realized that I just loved serving God and the people assigned to my care.
Liza and I attended prayer meetings of the Light of Jesus which eventually levelled up to what we now call The Feast.
The Feast fills our hunger for the word of God. It feeds our soul and meets our practical daily needs.
The Feast provides a small group for intimate friendship where we could share our joys and struggles in life.
Liza and I are now on our 27th year as members of the Light of Jesus Family.
I’ve been privileged to serve now as Feast Builder for Feast SM Baliuag and as District Builder for all the Feasts in Bulacan.
Back to The Church
Though busy with our LOJ service, Liza and I are attending Mass regularly in our village chapel where I serve in the Formation Ministry.
Since I’ve been hearing the inspiring talks at The Feast, Faith has become real for me. During the Mass, Jesus becomes real. Attending the Mass becomes an experience of Jesus’ merciful and compassionate love for me.
My image of God has changed. My image of Christianity has changed. Christianity becomes a joy. Serving God becomes sharing of my inner joy. Christianity becomes a relationship with God and His people.