Left, then Accepted

Fatima Angela E. Santos, 22, single, is a graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management, majoring in International Culinary Arts.
She was previously employed at UCC Café, Ermita, preparing salads, spaghetti, and other short orders.
She lives in Cainta, Rizal.
Fatima attended Mass only because her family members were attending. She had a change of heart when she learned more about the Catholic Faith,
Her Story
In my younger years, my father left us. I felt abandoned and consequently, I’d been wary about being close to people, afraid they’d also leave as my father did. I felt I needed to overcome such feeling.
As for my spiritual life, I attended Mass because my mom, my brother, and sister were going. I attended Mass regularly only because I felt it was my obligation to do so.
Finding The Feast
My mom and sibs are members of The Feast and they serve actively in Feast Marikina. Eventually, I attended The Feast in 2013. But it was only in February 2015 that I decided to serve. I signed up at the Events and Media Ministry.
At The Feast, I feel accepted, loved as I am.
My Ministry head, Sis. Abegail M. Birosel, makes me feel comfortable at The Feast. And she trusts me in my service. That is why I am motivated to work better. And our Feast Builder, Bro. Monching Bueno is a person who truly appreciates every work you do. He recognizes my effort and this makes me more inspired and happier each time I attend The Feast.
Loving the Church
The Feast is a happy place. We happily learn about the Word of God. It’s one reason I like most about our Catholic Faith. It is not as strict as other Christian religions. We are not obliged to memorize the Word of God phrase by phrase.
Because of the easy ways at The Feast, gradually, I am overcoming my feeling of being uncomfortable with people.
Yes, the people at The Feast make me happy. They encourage me to join in various activities. They make me love myself more each time. They do not judge, either, and they do not ask too many questions. Instead, they just take me as I am.
I am now serving at Feast Marikina as in charge of the Multi-Media projector. I take care of our Easy Worship backgrounds, lyrics for the songs for the Mass and the Worship session.
I feel happy and proud that now I can connect with other people as I am, and they accept me and love me as I am.