Shallow Me Just Wanted To Be Accepted

Micah May V. Naluz, 22, single, graduated with a Degree of Bachelor of Library and Informationn Science and currently working at Bulacan State University as Para-professional.
She lives in Pulilan, Bulacan.
Micah serves as head of the Youth Ministry of Feast Baliwag— a miracle for this girl who didn’t go to church regularly.

Her Story

I studied in a private Catholic school but I really did not have deep faith in God. I did not go to Mass regularly.

For college, I wanted to study Pharmacy at Centro Escolar University but because of financial constraints, I had to enrol in another school. I didn’t like to go to this school simply because I didn’t like the school uniform. Yeah, that was me— so shallow.

In my teens, I learned to say bad words because that was the cool thing to do then. I said cuss words to be “in”. I guess I just really wanted to be accepted, to belong to the majority.

Finding The Feast

Five years ago, I joined The Feast— because my uncle was a Feast Builder.

At The Feast, I heard talks about how God has created us in His image and likeness, and how we are supposed to be Christlike.

I then realized how far I was from God and what He purposed me to be.

So, I began to change.

First, in my words. I have refrained from speaking bad words. I didn’t have to say cuss words anymore just to be accepted by my peers.

At The Feast, I have been accepted as I am. The Feast welcomes everyone— old and young, rich or poor. You are welcome no matter how grave your sins are. People don’t judge you. Instead, they make you feel you are loved.

What I enjoy most at The Feast is the Youth Ministry, especially the evangelization  summer camp dubbed Camp Calye. I learned so much from the camp which has paved the way for me to change my ways.

Before, I really didn’t care much about other people. I didn’t greet people if they didn’t greet me first. Now, The Feast has taught me to love my fellowmen, as Jesus told us.

Before, I regarded raising hands to worship God as really weird. Now, I raise my hands to express my surrender to Him, who deserves all my praises. I feel The Feast worship songs express what I want to say to God. And so I sing to Him, expressing my gratitude to Him for my spiritual awakening, unmindful of what those around me would say even us I let tears flow down my cheeks— because, well, they, too are crying, I guess, like me,  crying tears of remorse, and then of joy for His unconditional love for us.

Back to the Church

Before, I preferred to watch television rather than go to Mass. Now, I regularly attend Holy Mass because it is the first part of The Feast.

The Feast has made me appreciate my Catholic Faith— finally. What I like about being Catholic is that we celebrate the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus— which is what we do in The Feast.

In the Catholic Church, there aren’t that many conditions for you to be accepted. No many rules prohibiting this or that. Just like in The Feast, everyone is welcome in the Catholic Church— just like God loves us without condition.

Today, I serve as head of the Youth Ministry of Feast Baliwag. I really didn’t know my tasks would be. But I said “Yes,” to God because I know that since He called me to this post, He will guide me all the way.

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