Stretched Wide

I remember tears rolling down my cheeks as I learned from my “mother” that I was adopted — yes, you read that right.
Actually, I had hints from my “uncle” back in 2015, but I was left confused by his muddy explanation and incoherent thoughts. Racked my brain so hard to decipher what he wanted to say that time. But upon learning the truth a year after, I could finally understand why my “uncle” — who turned out to be my real father — was so nervous.
As far as I’ve understood from my adoptive mother and my biological mother, I had a liver problem when I was born. That time, I wasn’t black; I was YELLOW.
My real family was poor back then, and was unable to provide for my medical needs. Added to that was my biological father leaving us for another woman. (I learned that he was a womanizer in his prime.) Left with no choice, my biological mother decided to take me and my sisters back to Bohol.
The thing is, I was weak back then. Should they opted to leave with me and take the ship, I would not have survived the trip. There was even the chance that I would only stay on this earth for two weeks if they did.
But apparently, this frail boy has a strong God.
And that’s where my adoptive mommy comes in.
I don’t know what happened, but she kept pleading to my adoptive daddy to take me in. She kept at it, and she was SO persistent, that my biological mother agreed as well. And so, off to Bohol did my biological mother went along with my sisters to Bohol. As for me, I was left with the most amazing people I’ve ever met: my aunt and my uncle. My new parents.
I guess what makes this amazing is the fact that my story may be about to meet its end, but its Writer chose not to.
I might be on the edge back then, but He used the people around me to save me. I might be an ember back then, slowly fading and dying, but God granted a new revival in my life.
I remember hearing my adoptive mommy telling me that I might have some kind of purpose here on earth, being saved by His grace and all. I, too, believe that God has a reason why He saved me.
I remember back when I was still in college, some time around 2014 (if my memory serves me right), I had this wild dream of making worship songs. Admiring how God uses Israel Houghton in leading the people to worship through his songs, I attempted to make my own. Clearly, being an upstart songwriter, I was inexperienced. I had no idea what I was doing, haha! I just wrote a poem and toyed it with a tune. I was so unsure back then — and very random. Seeing myself as “unfit” for my lack of knowledge in music, I stopped.
Then 2015 came. Jerome Si and I joined to write worship songs together. We had this dream of bringing the people into worship through the songs we make. I felt that this was different from before; I was really serious about fulfilling my dream this time. I asked the Lord for His guidance, and full of trust in Him, I went in and said yes regardless of my inexperience. The rest is history.
Now, I believe I’m living His purpose for me: to be an instrument of His praise. To write songs and to sing His praises. To write and share what He has done and is doing for me. To love, just as how He loved me.
I’m in awe. I really am. I consider myself inept for the job, but I guess God really qualifies the called. With every song Jerome and I write, I could see that we are getting better and better. The songs “Spirit (New Revival)” and “Stretched Wide” can attest to that.
I really am grateful to God for using me through things I never thought I’d be doing. Up to this moment, I can hardly believe that I was able to do such feats, writing worship songs and all. My skills may be limited, but I guess when we chose to give our lives to God, He will use us through ways — limitless ways — that will bless us and bless even more people.
Indeed, no measure can fathom God’s Love for us. No amount of knowledge can help us identify the numbers of how deep is His love for us. We may go leaps and bounds, yes, but not a single step will further us into measuring His love.
Oh the closest I have that can
Measure Your love
Is the distance Your arms stretched wide
Upon that Cross, upon that Cross
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