This Is God’s Story
HONEST, to say it mildly, I was like an introvert.
I didn’t want talking to people, much less sharing details about my personal life.
Like discussing my ministry.
But now, I am sharing details about my service as a volunteer in Anawim.
Here is my story… Ooops, correction: This is, in truth, God’s story.
My ministry has been a blessing that has multiplied into blessings after blessings— only God can give.
So, I write not about me, but about God’s amazing ways to reach out to those who need Him most.
A Blessing
I come from Sitio Manolita, Barangay Payao, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental where I was born on May 28, 1985—yes, 36 summers ago.
I studied at the elementary school of Buenavista West Central, high school at St. James/ Guinabsan National, and college at the University of Rizal, earning two degrees– Diploma of Agricultural Technology/Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and Master of Business Administration degrees On January 5, 2015, I happily got married, to Mary Joy Federezo.
I am a Born-Again Christian, blessed to be the founder of the Tabang Outreach.
I started the ministry in May 2008, named it Tabang, which is Cebuano word for help. My goal is simply to help, provide for those in need, make them joyful, happy, smile.
At right, here I am with a team on our way to serve Dumagats in San Raphael, Rodriguez, Rizal.
On to Anawim
After graduation, I started working as a regional senior sales staff at Bridge Distribution Inc.
Although busy with my job, I felt something missing in my life. I prayed that God would give me the right direction. And He brought me to Anawim.
For my Agriculture course in college, a requirement before graduation was to make a feasibility study. I made a study on rice, our staple food, in Rodriguez (formerly Montalban) where my school, the University of Rizal, is located.
After graduation, curious about the community, I went back to the place and there I saw a classmate, Tere. We chatted and I found out she serves as cook in Anawim.
And I also found out that Anawim was just right next to the place where we were.
My friend talked about her ministry. Impressed and inspired, I eventually volunteered to serve in Anawim through the Tabang Outreach.
Fulfilled Promises
There are two major projects that I cherish most as they impressed upon me that God truly fulfills His promises.
First, our #MonthlyFruitFeeding.
Early on, we asked what’s the elderly’s special request. They said fruits! So, we mounted
#MonthlyFruitFeeding for our lolos and lolas. And to this day, I will never forget how they brightened up with smiles when they saw the fruits– sliced apples, oranges, bananas, grapes—and chuckled as they munched them with gusto.
What’s heartwarming is they even share the fruits with us. They suffer lack, yet they are quick to love.
So, look: the happiest is our Tabang team as we prepare the fruits for our lolos and lolas!
Second, our #AnawimDrinkingWaterProject. Anawim, located far from the urban area, doesn’t have a regular supply of safe drinking water. So, we supply our lolos and lolas mineral water which we buy from a convenience store downtown.
At left, that’s my eldest son Carl Matthew who saved his school allowances to buy his own contribution of purified water for our lolos and lolas.
After a year or so, the store owner, Ate Jasmin, finding out that we donate the water to Anawim, told me we don’t have to pay for the water anymore.
Yes, by God’s grace, we already get the water for free! We just pay a fee directly to the delivery man for his service.
Ate Jasmin said she and her husband had been inspired by our ministry. She explained, “We’re so impressed by what you do. You come from
Blumentrit (in Manila) and you go all the way to Anawim (in Montalban) to give the lolos and lolas clean, safe water.”
But you know, God cannot be out-given, right?
Ate Jasmin shared that early on, her husband applied for a job abroad. And he got the job– six months after they started giving free water to our elderly!
And for good measure, God added more blessings to them. Their convenience store now has three more branches!
So, I told Ate Jasmin, “We just have to share our blessings so that more and more of God’s blessings will continue to pour on us.”
For indeed, He is God who fulfills His promises such as this one: Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full.– Luke 6:38 NLT
Blessings Multiplied
And God would fulfill His promise again and again.
First, healing for my family.
- Our second child suffered abnormal blood cells. We prayed for her healing, and just like that, her blood cells are now back to normal.
- Doctors diagnosed that my wife Mary Joy had a tumor in her uterus, and it was not possible for her to have a baby girl.
But on September 25, 2020, she gave birth to our daughter!
Second, a house!
A friend found out we still didn’t have a house of our own. And, seeing that we serve in Tabang Outreach, he blessed us with a sort of “payback” for our ministry. He had a concrete house built for us!
Third, this one is not for me, but for a couple serving with us in Anawim. The couple prayed for a child, and we asked our elderly such as Lola Kathy and Lola Lourdes to pray for the couple as well. The couple now has a baby!
Fourth, blessings for our
Tabang Outreach:
- A member, who had cancer, now no longer has cancerous cells;
- We don’t run out of volunteers for our projects. Always, the Lord sends us the co-servants we so need in our mission;
- The volunteers not only serve. They donate cash to fund our operations;
- God inspires donors to help us with our mission expenses.
Fifth, and priceless: Simply the joy of being with the lolos and lolas. For
instance, fun moments in the kitchen, where we receive free food!
According to His Purpose
As I said at the start of this article, I really am not up to be talking about my life.
Confession: I actually shied away from giving to charity, much less serving in a Mercy ministry.
But, as I said, this is not my story. It is, clearly, about God’s amazing ways— how He changed my life, how He changed me so He could use me as an instrument to reach out to His anawim.
And humbly, I am beyond grateful to this calling which fulfills another
of God’s promise in Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Not to us, but to God alone be the glory!
It’s your turn! Share your blessings and be a blessing to others to glorify God.
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