Two Unwanted Pregnancies; One Great Truth from God

CALL me Mona. Not my real name. I’m using a pseudonym to protect the privacy of the people involved in my story.

If I have to describe myself before I came to Grace To Be Born, I can say that

I was stubborn and disobedient.

When I was 13 years old, I had a relationship with someone who was too old for me. I got pregnant at the age of 15 by a 30-year-old man.

At the age of 16, I had a relationship with my stepfather– and I got pregnant the second time.

My mother was furious. My stepfather was like, the relationship was all my fault. She believed him. She chose to still live with him. She drove me away.

I had to stop studying.

I hated myself and my two children.

 A Grace To Be Born poster on its Facebook


I had nowhere to go. But by God’s Divine Mercy, I got accepted at Grace To Be Born. And Grace also accepted my children.

Grace To Be Born has given me not only shelter. Most important, with daily spiritual nourishment and counseling here, I’ve learned what’s right and wrong. I’ve learned from my mistakes.

My mother has not forgiven me. Though the process is difficult for me,

I’ve learned to forgive her for siding with my stepfather and driving me away, and not accepting my children

I’ve also learned to forgive the two fathers of my children.

Unconditional Love

I can forgive because I myself have been forgiven. Grace accepted me wholeheartedly– with no judgment. I’ve found a family here loving me without condition.

And because I feel loved here, I’ve also learned to accept and love my children.

Grace has never abandoned my children and me. We are being nurtured here. The Admin officers and staff, my house mother, social workers, health caregivers– they all don’t get tired of taking care of us. They console me, they counsel me. They help me get back on my feet so I can be a good mother to my children.

Now, I want to continue my education to give them a good life. I don’t want to waste this blessing that Grace To Be Born has given me.

The Good News

Yes, blessing coming, above all, from God. Throughout my stay here in Grace, I’ve learned God’s Word during our Bible study.

This one’s my favorite– it’s from Romans 16:25: “Now, all glory to God, who is able to make you strong just as my Good News says. This message about Jesus Christ has revealed His plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time.”  

The apostle Paul who wrote this letter to the Romans praises God for revealing the Good News of salvation– that all can be forgiven and receive righteousness from God through faith in our Lord Jesus who died on the Cross to pay for our sins.

I’ve learned this one great truth as through Grace To Be Born, our Lord Jesus has revealed Himself to me and gave me a new life of righteousness and dignity.

Yes, my children have received the Grace to be born. And so have I.  Glory to God

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