Unexpected Payback
I WORK as a house mother at the Jeremiah 33: 6-7 Foundation. I receive an allowance for this job—enough to augment the income of my husband, Edward, who works in a Jewelry shop, assembling jewelry parts. Our combined income was good enough for us to be able to fend for our child and a grandchild.
But correction: I regard my work not just a job—but a ministry, to serve the minor girls, victims of sexual abuse under rehabilitation at the Jeremiah shelter.
Yes, I serve—giving—to Jeremiah. Little did I know, Jeremiah would be giving back to me in my time of need.
COVID Onslaught
Late 2019, the Coronavirus Disease (COVID) hit the world, and by March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared lockdowns or quarantines to curb the spread of COVID-19.
To observe quarantine alert protocols, I stayed at home. Besides, since almost everything came to a halt, there was hardly transportation for me to get to work. At the start, I didn’t worry. I thought the lockdown would last only a week. But as the Pandemic wore on, anxiety gripped me. I feared I would no longer have my allowance if I didn’t report for work at Jeremiah.
I was like, “May babalikan pa kaya akong trabaho? Will there ever be still work for me?
Also, the Jewelry Shop where Edward works had to close, so, he just had to work from home. Edward still received his salary, but minus my allowance, we would hardly make both ends meet.
We never knew when the Pandemic would end so, there were days when we ate only twice a day –to save on food.
It came to a point when Edward had to borrow money from his employer who kindly lent him P17,000.
Answered Prayers
We prayed and prayed hard that our situation would not get any worse than it already was. And I write this with deep gratefulness to testify on God’s merciful answers to our prayers.
First, contrary to my fears, Jeremiah retained my services. Friends in Jeremiah–Shaira Andal, a social worker, and Paula Belen, a co-housemother, kept me informed about events in the shelter and encouraged me not to lose hope. Cynthia Manalo, our Jeremiah administrator, affirmed I would still have my job.
Joseph Balbino, a Jeremiah sponsor, and his colleagues, came to my house to fetch me so I could report for work. They were using a vehicle loaded with donations for Jeremiah– and it happened that only such vehicles used for charitable missions were not blocked at police checkpoints. So, by God’s grace, I easily got back to Jeremiah on April 23, 2020,
Second, even as business was bad, Edward’s employer, bless him, did not terminate my husband’s services.
Third, a relative in the United States sent us donation that has tied us over our dire situation.
Fourth, simple yet joyful family celebrations we’ve been able to afford after we recovered from our ordeal. Above, celebrating birthday of grandson Zeus Jeden Carrasco, from left: Edward; Leonor; daughter Lady Dianne; Dianne’s husband, Ian Val Carrasco.
Celebrating birthday of Leonor’s mother, from left: Edward; Leonor; close friend Harlene Aguinaldo; sister Reden Recomendable; mother Perpetua Doctolero; Lady Dianne.
Christmas party, from left: son-in-law Ian Val Carrasco;
son Zeus Jeden; daughter Lady Dianne; Edward; and Leonor.
Best Blessing
As I said earlier, I thought I was doing Jeremiah a great service.
But I soon realized Jeremiah has done more for me.
The best is having steadfast faith in God.
You see, as part of my duties as housemother, I accompany our girls to prayer meetings, particularly at The Feast Valle Verde.
Attending The Feast Holy Mass, hearing the inspiring talks, I have eventually experienced spiritual awakening and deep faith in God. So that even amid the struggles my family and I go through, I can well say I have this bright hope that ultimately, everything will turn out okay for us.
Every day, I hold on to God’s promise I learned at The Feast– in Isaiah 41: 10-13: “For the Lord, thy God, will hold thy right hand saying unto thee, ‘Fear not I will help thee.’”
–With Reporting by Cybill P. Bayto
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